Feeding Therapy

We know that meal time can be stressful! It is difficult to know when your child is “just picky” or there is something more going on. Families should not be experiencing endless battles at mealtime, and we all want our children to be gaining weight appropriately and growing the way that they should.

According to feedingmatters.org, early detection and treatment of pediatric feeding disorders is critical to the long term health and well-being of affected children. If you have concerns about your child’s feeding, click here to take the Feeding Matters Infant and Child Feeding Questionnaire.


What is SOS Feeding therapy?

Jessica Rosen M.S. CCC-SLP is trained in the SOS approach to feeding therapy. SOS feeding therapy utilizes a systematic approach to address both the sensory processing and oral motor skills a child needs to eat a wide variety of food groups and textures.

The SOS (Sequential-Oral-Sensory) Approach to Feeding Program was developed by Dr. Kay Toomey and is used worldwide to treat feeding issues in infants, children, and adolescents. For more information about SOS Approach to Feeding, visit the Toomey & Associates – SOS Approach to Feeding website.


who can benefit from the sos approach to feeding program?

  • Children with decreased range or variety of foods they will accept

  • Children who get “burned out” on a food that they eat all the time, and are unwilling to eat it ever again even after taking a break.

  • Children who refuse entire categories of food groups (proteins, vegetables, etc.) or texture groups (crunchy foods, purees)

  • Children who almost always eat a different meal than the rest of the family

  • Feeding concerns reported across multiple well-checkups


what type of therapist do i need to see?

There are many professionals who work with children with feeding difficulties. Eating is a much more complex task than most people think it is. Feeding therapy is often a team effort, with a variety of professionals involved. At Mosaic Therapy, our main feeding therapist is a speech-language pathologist with specialized training in the SOS Approach to Feeding Therapy, as well as in depth knowledge of oral motor and swallow functioning, as it pertains to your child’s feeding abilities.

Who else is on the team?

  • Occupational Therapist- The occupational therapist will complete an evaluation of your child’s fine motor skills and sensory system. The OT will offer their expertise in treatment planning to better incorporate your child’s unique sensory and fine motor needs.

  • Dietician- When necessary we may recommend that a pediatric dietician be consulted to make sure we address any dietary or nutritional needs specific to your child.

  • Psychologist- Having a child with feeding difficulties can be very stressful. Often times both parents and children can benefit from working with a mental health professional, as part of their treatment plan.

  • Pediatrician- We always work closely with your child’s pediatrician to achieve optimal outcomes.

Feeding therapy in Naples, Bonita Springs, Estero and Ft. Myers, FL

Find out how feeding therapy can help your family. Contact us at Mosaic Therapy to find out how we can help.